Saturday, 20 June 2015

                                         Do People Complain Too Much

I think it’s natural for people to complain. Everyday we’re faced with a lot of reasons to complain: we’re not tall enough, we don’t have the latest and greatest, it’s too hot, it’s too cold, they get everything handed to them, they should n’t be doing this they should be doing that, etc.

Life’s not fair:

    •  I think most of us complain because we feel things are unfair and out of our control.Why do they have so much when I have nothing? I have worked just as hard, saved harder and I still don’t have as much to show for it. It’s just not fair. 

    • Genuinely unhappy:

Some people are just genuinely unhappy. They can’t find joy in any aspect of their life. Genuinely unhappy people take to complaining to express their dissatisfaction with their life and in many situations it’s used as a coping mechanism as well.


    Most times people won’t admit to this as it’s a rather unbecoming trait. They may also not admit to it because they truly don’t recognize it as jealousy. This ties in with the first point of life not being fair. The emotion that can come out of that is jealousy. When you wish you had the new car, or the new job or the high salary there is a tendency to complain, either that the other people are getting this or that you’re not.


    Lack of empathy:

    A lot of times we complain because we lack empathy for others. Think about this: You complain that someone is n’t doing something “right”, they should be doing it this way because that’s what we would do if we were in that position. When we lack empathy we are n’t able to fully put our self in the other persons place. We don’t know the thoughts going through their head or what other complexities they are facing in their lives at that moment.

               What can we do about it?

  • Think before we speak
  • Have a plan
  • Don’t just moan about it do something
  • Change your perspective

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